
eZfile Portal – SECP’s Step Towards Digital Transformation

SECP launched its new company registration and filing portal on 15th February 2024. The eZfile portal will replace the old eservices portal for most company compliance processes. However, some processes will still be completed through the old portal.

This new portal (also called LEAP – Leading Efficiency through Automation Prowess), has improved features to allow users to easily file their compliance returns. Its user-friendly interface guides the users to navigate through the steps and file their returns.

The portal has been launched in 4 phases
Phase 1A (launched in 2023 for Limited Liability Partnerhips)

Phase 1B (launched on 15th February 2024

Phase 2A (to be launched in future)

Phase 2B (to be launched in future)

Main Features of eZfile Portal

Help Me Decide Tool

For users who want to incorporate a new company, the portal has a tool that allows users to decide what type of company meets their requirements and suits their business.

User Registration with Notifications and Secure PIN

A new user when registered gets notifications about his registration. Unlike the old portal, the Person Identification Number – PIN will only be sent to the registered email address of a user (and not through SMS) with password protection. This will help in avoiding misuse of PIN.

Any user added to a company in any role also gets a notification to keep him updated about his entry or exit from a company. This new feature will help curb the unauthorized addition or deletion of stakeholders of a company.

Improved Data Security

The new portal is more secure and the data uploaded will remain secure during entry and afterwards.

24/7 Access

Users will have access to eZfile portal without any breaks and can file their returns or perform any action at their convenience without interruption.

Step-by-step Guide

The portal provides a step-by-step guide to users and alerts the users on each step for the required actions to make it easy to complete the filing process.

Fast Processing

The process filed through eZfile will be processed faster than ever to shorten the compliance procedures.

Real Time Updates

The portal will provide updated information on regulatory and procedural requirements to speed up filing.

Digital Document Submission

The portal allows the submission of required documents in digital form to promote a paperless environment.

Processes Available in the Phase 1B

Phase 1B covers the following types of companies:

1. Public Companies
2. Private Companies
3. Single Member Companies
4. Trade Organizations
5. Companies u/s 42
6. Companies u/s 45

The processes available in the is phase are:

1. Name Reservation, Permission to Form, Incorporation and CTC – Combined
2. Name Reservation – Separate
3. Permission to Form and Incorporation – Separate
4. Change in Registered address – From one province to another
5. Change in Registered address – Within same city
6. Change in Registered address – From one city to another within same province
7. Change in Registered address – For books of accounts
8. Apply for Certified True Copy of a Form
9. Change/Rectification of Name
10. Annual filing of company including filing of annual audited accounts, Global Register of
Beneficial Ownership, annual returns of active/inactive companies and UBO declarations.
11. Quarterly filing
12. Induction, Cessation and change in particulars of directors and officers, including the
chief executive, secretary, chief financial officer, auditors, legal adviser

13. Special Resolution Filing
14. UBO Declaration
15. Increase in Authorized Capital
16. Cancellation, Consolidation, or Division / Sub-division of shares
17. Allotment of Shares
18. Change in Shareholding of more than 25%
19. Change in Voting Rights of more than 25%
20. Change in Membership of more than 25%

Processes Not Available in the Phase 1B

As the portal is being launched in phases not all the processes are available in the Phase 1B. The following processes are not available in this phase and will be available in Phase 2A:

  1. Mortgages and charges
  2. Foreign Companies
  3. Company Easy Exit
  4. Winding up
  5. Regulatory approvals/licensing

The processes not available in Phase 1B will be available through the old services portal. However, the user will log in through eZfile portal and then switch to eservices. On click, the old portal will open in a new tab and the processes not covered in Phase 1B will be available as usual.

In the last Phase 2B, the following new processes will be added:

  1. Supervision
  2. Adjudication
  3. Litigation and other Enforcement Process

Hope you have got an idea of the new eZfile portal that can help you to file your returns to comply with the legal and compliance obligations. In case of queries, you can contact us for guidance.