Trademark law Pakistan

Learn various aspects of trademark law Pakistan

Learn about 45 Trademark Classes and Choose the Perfect One

2023-10-28T14:30:44+05:00By |Categories: Trademark law Pakistan|Tags: , , |

Trademark Classes – What it is? Trademark classes have been created to categorize products and services into certain groups. When you apply for trademark registration, the trademark classes provide you guidance on [...]

How to Register a Trademark in Pakistan to Secure Your Business?

2024-12-21T23:11:02+05:00By |Categories: Trademark law Pakistan|Tags: , , |

Overview Do you know the importance of a trademark and want to know how to register a trademark in Pakistan? Yes? So you are ready to [...]

Don’t Miss the 7 benefits of Trademark Registration that Last Forever!

2024-03-05T01:23:30+05:00By |Categories: Trademark law Pakistan|Tags: , , |

Overview Trademark Definition Generally speaking, a a word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those [...]